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Teaching German as a foreign language

Guest lecture given by Dr. Douglas McKnight

Foto: Screenshot E. Besic

21. Juli 2022 – On June 30, students attending the seminar, “Individuality, differences and social dynamics in learning communities,” had the chance to listen to a guest lecture given by Dr. Douglas McKnight.

McKnight, who has a doctorate in German Language and Literature from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., spoke about teaching German as a foreign language through genre-based pedagogy. His recently published article “Specifying the literacy pedagogy moves through genre-based instruction for advanced second language teaching: developing multiple literacies through systemic functional linguistics”, formed the basis of his talk.

The seminar, which is taught by Edvina Bešić, has several students who will go on to become foreign language teachers, so this was a great opportunity for them to see how innovative pedagogical methods can be used to teach foreign languages in an effective and engaging way.

Thanks for coming! Kontakt:
HS-Prof.in Mag.a Edvina Bešić, PhD, Edvina.Besic@phst.at