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Online-Ringvorlesung: Diversität als Strategie

Karmen Mlinar "Respecting the Other as Different"

Karmen Mlinar

Foto: K. Mlinar

26. November 2020 – Die dritte Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung „Lernen. Lehren. Forschen.“ wurde diesmal vom Institut für Diversität und Internationales angeboten. Frau Dr.in Karmen Mlinar hielt einen englischsprachigen Vortrag zum Thema „Respecting the Other as Different – Developing an Anti-Bias School Ethos“, in dem sie vor allem auf Ergebnisse ihrer durchgeführten Studie an slowenischen Volksschulen einging, die zeigt, wie wichtig es ist, ein vorurteilsfreies Schulethos zu entwickeln.

In the lecture, Karmen Mlinar presented the main findings of her study, carried out between Slovenian primary school students and teachers, which shows that the respect for ethnicities predominates mainly as a principle rather than an actual interpersonal behaviour, and that there are differences in attitudes towards different ethnicities.

On those basics, it was shown why developing a multicultural and/or intercultural approach is not sufficient to educate a critically thinking child who will have the desire and ability to act actively against inequalities and injustices towards minorities. For this reason, the importance of developing an anti-bias school ethos was pointed out. The precondition to develop an anti-bias school ethos and some concrete ways to develop it (e.g. Declaration of the Respect of Diversities; School diversity map; Workshop to determine students hidden prejudices) was presented.

Dr.in Karmen Mlinar is tenured researcher and lecturer of Theory of Education at the Department of Education Studies at the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana. She has extensive teaching experience in teacher education and multiple pedagogical study majors, as well as first-hand experience working in schools. Her research areas are: migration pedagogy, intercultural education, anti-bias education, education and social inequality, inclusion.

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