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Bridging Global Citizenship and Multilingual Competences

Call for papers and Conference in June 2023

Foto: GCMC

11. November 2023  The Global Citizenship and Multilingual Competences (GCMC) toolkit is an Erasmus+ project with partners in Austria, the UK, Netherlands, Italy and Germany (2020-2023). The aim is to provide online teacher development resources for secondary teachers of all subjects about how to integrate global citizenship goals and plurilingual pedagogies into their practices in a sustainable way.

The project strategic partnership is composed of the Universität Graz (Austria), Newcastle University (UK), Fryske Akademy (The Netherlands), University of Bologna (Italy) and NEOSMART Digital (Germany). University College of Teacher Education Styria is one of the associated partners of the project.

We are proud to invite you to attend the final conference Bridging Global Citizenship and Multilingual Competences.

It takes place on June 16th and 17th 2023 in Graz. The main conference languages are English and German. Participation is free of charge.

This conference is organised as part of the “Global Citizenship and Multilingual Competences (GCMC)” Erasmus+ project. It aims to bring together teachers, teacher educators, students, scholars, and researchers to present on and critically discuss topics that bridge global citizenship and multilingual competences in different subjects and languages.

Please also have a look at our conference website for further information: Conference - GCMC Call for papers (English) Call für papers (German) Contact:
Prof.in Wilma Hauser, Bakk. MA (wilma.hauser@phst.at)