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20th Come2Graz - International Week

The 20th Come2Graz - International Week has started!

Foto: M. Grabner

18. Mai 2022 – The 20th Come2Graz International Week organized by the Institute for Diversity Studies and International Relations has officially started. We are happy to welcome 50 guests from 9 different countries from all over Europe and South East Asia join this week.

Our guests will take part in various activities regarding the topic “Integrating Art and Science in Education”. Visiting the Praxis Mittelschule der PHSt with its special focus on Art Education and round table talks in form of a World Café are great opportunities to network.

The keynote From STEM to STEAM - How does the A get into STEAM? by HS-Prof.in DIin Dr.in Marion Starzacher & HS-Prof. Mag. Dr. Erich Reichel officially starts the workshop day Thursday, May 19th. In 15 workshops offered by international and national professors, participants and students explore ways of “Integrating Art and Science in Education”. Visiting the vernissage “Open horizons”, watching the play “Das kalte Herz” at the Theater am Ortweinplatz and exploring the beautiful city of Graz will round up the programme.

We wish all participants a fruitful Come2Graz - International Week!