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Global Citizenship and Multilingual Competences

Erasmus Projekt now online: Self-reflective Tool


21. September 2021 - The Global Citizenship and Multilingual Competences (GCMC) toolkit is an Erasmus+ project with partners in Austria, the UK, Netherlands, Italy and Germany (2020-2023). The aim is to provide online teacher development resources for secondary teachers of all subjects about how to integrate global citizenship goals and plurilingual pedagogies into their practices in a sustainable way.

The project strategic partnership is composed of the Universität Graz (Austria), Newcastle University (UK), Fryske Akademy (The Netherlands), University of Bologna (Italy) and NEOSMART Digital (Germany). The University College of Teacher Education Styria is an associated partner of this project. The objectives of this project are:
  • to explicitly integrate a plurilingual pedagogical approach together with GCE
  • to uncover examples of good practice of teaching GCE and plurilingual approaches
  • to empower teachers of all subjects to work along UNESCO´s sustainability Goals and to integrate Global Citizeship Education with a plurilingual approach into their regular teaching in a sustainable and context-sensitive way

Now the first outcome of the project is online: A self-reflective tool for teacher competences in respect to teaching for global citizenship or plurilingual pedagogies. Find the self-reflective tool on the website of the GCMC project.

Lead of the project: University Graz, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sarah Mercer, B.A. M.A. M.Sc Contact at the University College of Teacher Education Styria: Prof. Wilma Hauser, Bakk. MA