Regional Centre for the Teaching of Languages and Cultures

The Regional Centre for the Teaching of Languages and Cultures is a cooperative institution of the University College of Teacher Education Styria with the University of Graz, the Augustinum Private University College of Education and the Board of Education (Bildungsdirektion) for Styria. It
- promotes didactic research, development and teaching in the field of German as a first and second language and foreign languages taught in schools
- is dedicated to the inter-institutional coordination of language teaching at the site
- provides impulses for quality development in the sense of research-based language teaching
- serves as a platform for the exchange of experiences between teachers and researchers at university colleges in the field of language didactics
- promotes the dialogue between school and university college
- is dedicated to current educational policy issues in the field of language teaching (e.g. plurilingualism and German as a second language)
- strives for national and international networking and exchange with partner institutions
- carries out lobbying in the field of language teaching in schools
- stimulates research in the field of language teaching and language didactics
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